CRB Community: The Community for Experts in the Construction Industry

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CRB is the competence center for standards in the construction and real estate industry. Together with professional experts and partner organisations, tools are developed and made available in the form of catalogues, web applications and as data for software programs. A clear language, a uniform system and structured data formats enable an industry-wide exchange of information. In the community, experts exchange information on CRB-relevant topics, form interest groups and develop new standards with the CRB in expert groups.


  • Experts and user community
  • Customers help customers
  • Accompaniment of trainings and events
  • Interest groups
  • Support groups
  • Product co-development


  • Networking of the experts
  • Simplified communication
  • Fewer support requests

Our contribution

Strategy & Discovery Workshop

As part of a CRB digitization initiative, a number of employees were trained on various topics. Glowing Blue presented the topic "Communities" in an interactive workshop. The workshop produced initial ideas which were then gradually developed in greater depth and finally implemented.

Concept & Training

After the decision to launch a community for CRB an extended concept was developed and the employees were trained.

Design & Development

The community based on Flarum was launched as "Beta Community" according to the CRB style guide.

Technical Community Operations

Glowing Blue takes over the entire technical operation, hosting and further development of the community.

Measure & optimize

The CRB Community was launched in a first beta version and will be further optimized and expanded step by step.